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7 years ago
This is actually wrong... According to the FBI’s most recent homicide numbers available, from 2011, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians. (Of murders committed by Blacks, only 14 percent were of whites.) FBI homicide statistics from 1980 to 2008 show that white people are, by the numbers, far more likely to kill members of vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly than any other race. Additionally, white people commit more sex-related and gang-related homicides than any other race.

But if 6 o-clock news says black on black crime is the issue and blacks are bad, I guess you have to believe them, right?


7 years ago
In 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, 2,630 white people killed 3,172 white people, according to FBI homicide statistics. When comparing that to the black population, in which 2,447 African-Americans murdered 2,695 of their own, white-on-white murder is clearly the bigger issue.

Do the math and that says whites kill more people per shooting... (James Holmes, Dylan Roof, Columbine Shooters, etc.). It's also been found that black on black crime is typically localized and social circumstances play a big role. So you're less likely to be randomly killed by a black person for no reason. On the flip side of things, you're more likely to be killed by a white person that you don't even know whatsoever than you are a black person... For example, you could be enjoying a new Batman movie with a bunch of friends and a person can burst in and shoot dozens of people in the theater for no apparent reason. The race of the shooter will almost always be white... Sorry, just facts.


7 years ago


7 years ago
I don't care if they or white or black, I just hope someone kills you, asshole.


7 years ago
@Anonymous-1391580861 ha goteem! (im asian by the way)


7 years ago
Too bad your numbers are wrong. You must've gone to Trump University


7 years ago
@Anonymous2008823392 More black babies are aborted than allowed to be born every year.


7 years ago
Where did you get your statistics fatass


7 years ago
but anyways. If whites are killed for no reason too why aren't y'all rioting for them? we stood up for them because they were treated very unfairly AND bitch no one is talking about that sure they might get killed by them but we were rioting because of police brutality. Reverse racism does not exist and white supremacy is a thing honey xoxo

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