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7 years ago
We were birthing sclaves for millenials. Carl Djerassi freed at least the more ediucated ones from this slavery - and didn't get a Noble prize for this, since obviously an influential group of men didn't like this at all. The less aducated of us are still used to let souls sneek into this world who want to do this - no matter if they are welcomed or not. You can either let them caopmein and then be adopted (they will screem about this anyway) or you can through them out gently very early so as not to have your own life ruined completely.This is much more gentle then killing people later by some virus or bacterium in an effort to control the population on this planet. And by teh way - i have a glorious suggestion: why doesn't the military develop a highly infectuous virus which doesn 't do anything else but making men sterile??? The whole rpoblem of overpopulation would be solved in no time.


7 years ago
Good think you'll never have to worry about being inside a woman.

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