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6 years ago
This has to be part of an ARG. There is no way in hell that you actually expect anyone to believe this.


6 years ago
Am I the only one around here that is not offended by this


6 years ago
What if I told you all religions are bullshit
and they're the number one thing blocking the way of world peace.


6 years ago
Atheism is bullshit too.


6 years ago
well since I'm agnostic I don't really know if god exists or not, BTW nothing offends me EVER!!!!!!


6 years ago
I have heard of this before but I'm not sure.


6 years ago
The Grays have the ability to bring metal and stone to a spiritual, astral state of existence and this is how they travel between dimensions (as they're extra dimensional beings, not just extra terrestrial.) They use spiritual nanites, which are tiny machines which can fill into things at about the size of cells, to enter into people's cells. Even Star Wars was sensitive to this and said the Jedi were the way they were because of bacteria. They aren't bacteria so much as as they're spiritual nanites, entered into someone's body on a spiritual level so that they can start to evolve using artificial spiritual technology which enables them to feel as though (they think they do this on their own and they're somehow special,) that they have evolved past the level of humanity and into something better. What it is is a kind of merger and annexation between Grays and humans, with Grays being what we know as demons, devils and lucifer.


6 years ago
They use the power of stolen souls (which is why they're constantly trying to steal them,) to use in their technology. The grays have evolved past the need to eat, and they only feed their machines with people's stolen souls (and in every case it's stolen. They lie about people wanting to sell their souls, and in the few rare cases someone actually wants to, it's because they've been saturated with spiritual nanites in order for them to feel as though they want to. They use these spiritual nanites to do everything, as the nanites have united with the Gray's cells on a spiritual level, it's as though they're actually possessing people, but it's a form of technology.)

Almost every human religion leads people to the devil, as the devil is NOT a being incapable of holiness, instead, he's a being who can either be holy or unholy based on which side he's using (he's a split being, existing as two halves. One of these halves they portray as what people call jesus.) There IS a real God, and a real son of God, but it's better to have a spirituality than to have a religion because of the Grays.
9/11 was an inside job

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