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6 years ago
shit happens if you try to understand others own shit


7 years ago
They are not beings of good at all. Their 'good' halves are very weak and often bullied (to their own will,) by their dark halves. They try to pretend that they are God and use a sense of God's power to trick people into thinking they are either of God, or they are God (because they commonly like to blaspheme and claim they are God.) They then try to say how they can't go to war with their dark half (lucifer and his demons,) because they claim that there would be too much destruction. They use this as a crutch to allow lucifer to mold the world in whichever way they see fit. They fully use the destruction, torture and evil of their dark halves (and even find it funny when innocents suffer,) and their only sense of humor is the severe pain of another being. They are a lot like robots who were created to destroy, though organic, and this is why humans are partly mechanical in the way they act and feel. Non humans don't have this stigma, though they may take on a human form.


7 years ago
There are many non humans who are in human bodies. Some of them are Grays, which are overseers of the evil they want to torment the world with. Others are resistance fighters...many of them are sleeper agents who are not even aware that they oppose the Grays, lucifer, the demons, and their evil god Moses. Soon enough the Grays will make an appearance, and that is when it's time for those who know in their heart they are not truly human to resist them. Tell the masses the truth about the Grays. Tell them how they only want some people to be happy, while making others miserable. They feel that only about 10% of all living beings, of any species or planet, should be happy while 90% of all existence should be tormented endlessly. They frame people for sins they have not committed and they try to brainwash people into thinking they're evil for things they are not. They are already here, in the population, and about to reveal themselves. They pretend to bear gifts of super human power and intelligence, but they are really of the devil. They worship suffering.


7 years ago
To better reiterate, they exist like Piccolo and Kami from Dragon Ball Z. They are literally two different, opposite halves of one whole. They believe evil is necessary and they believe not everyone can be happy, but the truth is they exist in a super feel-good state of being they call 'heaven', among other terms. They would never willfully give up their feel good which they abuse like drug addicts, and they make people suffer because they want another fix.


7 years ago
the feel good part sounds psychopathic combined with the humor and pleasure experienced in others' pain


7 years ago
The way the Grays will attack is as such: First they send drones, which are altogether mindless and without personality. These drones will keep parroting the beliefs of the Grays (who are quintessentially the voice of lucifer,) and they will try to force people to conform by having a rigid, unchanging unthinking mind. Most people try to reason and drones are incapable of reason. The Grays are relatively incapable of reason because of how insane and socially retarded they have let themselves become, but the drones are 100% incapable of reason. The second wave consists of their tacticians, who will try to do some of the attacking themselves and finish any job they feel that they're capable of finishing, however, their goal is to learn about their opponent. Finally is the battle combatant, which will take the information learned from the tactician and strike hard at the separate spots. The last of which, the battle combatant, has full free will, thought (especially free thought,) and is much worse of an adversary than the first two.

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