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7 years ago
You heard it here first – garden snails are just as smart as humans


7 years ago
Then i would say you were wrong


7 years ago
human dominion? If animals wanted to cooperate with humans they would have done so long ago. If they wanted to talk to us we would know.


6 years ago
I would say "tl;dr"


6 years ago


7 years ago
The secret -- the biggest secrets that the Grays didn't want to get out, is that animals ARE people. Humans aren't the only people. Many aliens know that animals are in many ways just like people, simply a little less sophisticated (in their current state of evolution, untouched by man, animals would evolve to be just as intelligent if not moreso.) Seeing the way that humans treat animals makes most aliens avoid the human race simply for that reason alone. Grays have a need to control, to harm, to torture. The way they feed is by torturing the innocent. Have you ever wondered why both the Bible's god and the devil demand animal sacrifices? They need them to feed on. They feed on their souls, as well as human souls. The Grays will only be satisfied when all innocence is destroyed and everyone is an obedient robot. They want to stamp out nature, so they force our institutions of learning to preach that animals are inferior. They are people.


6 years ago
You are by far the dumbest person I have ever encountered on the internet. Lets think about this and entertain this idea for even a second. 1: Aliens Exsist, 2: Aliens from other worlds somewhere in the Vast Cosmos visit this tiny little back water of a planet called Earth 3: Aliens Ponder on the primary dominate lifeform not being A: Tardigrade's, B: Human's, C: Animals. 4: Aliens seeing that the smartest monkey in the world having the same intellect as a Three-year-Old human infant capable of drawing the same water colors that you would hang on the fridge. 5: Aliens commune and converse with animal (monkey) 6: Monkey kills its self finally realizing that its superior intellect will go unacknowledged for the remainder of its natural life span.

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